Friday, February 29, 2008

Exhausting Karma

Many years ago, I met a woman in her sixties who was severely injured when she was seventeen and living on a farm. The injury was in her spine. Yet, she married and had four children. She lived every day in pain rather than have surgery and perhaps end up in a wheelchair. This was her choice. The day I met her, I knew that the effect of a very old cause was played out. Karma, guilt, judging one's self will eventually exhaust itself at a certain point of balance. She had achieved inner understanding and forgiveness of self although she consciously had no clue of her previous act of harm against another person.

This is how the balancing act works. We carry in our soul a database of countless memories that bridge thousands of years. If a human does not understand that the cause of a problem can be exhausted, suffering on different levels will continue. The proof of my understanding is in the endless stream of physical, emotional and mental healings experienced by humans all over the world. This also explains why many people are not healed.

Remember, there is only one Mind but many levels of understanding. Because of a lack in understanding nature and universal principles, imbalances eventually appear for the purpose of correcting the individual consciousness. When consciousness is enlightened, healings visibly and tangibly manifest. I was given a vision of the cause of her long years of ongoing suffering. I shared the vision informing her that the cause was exhausted. The message was to forgive self, accept and honor the body and be whole again. As the result of her trust and faith in the message and forgiving her self, she was completely healed. My friend has been without pain and mobile for 103 years. She is a gracious, humble, beautiful and a very thankful soul.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cause impacting your Future

It has been tragically unfortunate that man has been consciously ignorant of the doors of CAUSE. It is our creating negative'cause' that has made God's ways and processes eternally enduring and looked only upon their visible effect with covetous eyes. Look to Cause in order to find humanities present fast decaying world. Our world cannot possibly hold together as a cohesive civilization unless humanity changes and lifts its mind and reverses its ways.

The basic answer to all human troubles lies in the one fact that man's way of life has been a constant violation of the One Universal Law, which demands that all transactions in nature must be balanced and equal in their interchange. Action and reaction must balance. Imbalances affect the seed pattern and it takes several generations to normalize.

The problems that happen to some souls were created in mind misthinking somewhere along the way. True relief will not come until they create a new pattern and discard the set pattern that they themselves set in motion. This sounds harsh and is not only my opinion. It is truth. A change in consciousness can help someone who has repetitive negative happenings in his or her life. wary of the patterns you are creating right now because they will be in your future.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Using the Mind

I used my mind correctly and the cataracts were instantly healed. It must be remembered that desire of Mind is the sole source of universal energy. Whatever destiny you plan for yourself that destiny can be reached if your desire to reach it is strong enough. No one's influence can make you great. You alone control your destiny. How many people utterly fail because of blaming other conditions and circumstances for their failures? In contrast, every individual who knows his or her destiny knows also that it will be reached.

What if a person doesn't consciously know his destiny? To be spirit living free in form is the answer according to my understanding. To be our original perfection in the flesh is our purpose. In other words, our responsibility is to bring a 'heaven' consciousness into the human personality, the higher Nature into the lower nature. The major problem on earth is that few know and fewer still resist accepting the true identity as intelligent Light in form.

Never say, "I cannot do something because I do not know how to do it". Start doing it and learn how to do it in the doing of it. A tremendous responsibility rests upon the shoulders of deep thinkers, lovers of light and truth. The responsibility is in remembering that the cause of all life's problems lies inside of us. Humans need to learn the ways of Nature and of man's relation to Nature.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Overcoming Genetics

I overcame genetics many years ago. I was experiencing great difficulty with my eye sight. After an exam with an othomologist, I was told that I had cataracts in both of my eyes. Since I was young and surprised, I called my mother and asked her about family members who may have had cataracts. She told me that her cousin at the age of nineteen had them. This is what I mean by picking up family tendencies when we project into a history of weaknesses. What family doesn't have weaknesses? I immediately rejected the idea. A Divine Power had healed me once before in a time of need. I called on that Power again to remove the veil growing across my eyes. With confidence and prayer, I surrendered the weakness to a Greater Strength.

A soul may not analize all the possibilities before it projects into matter. Ideally, we would prefer that the family line be of good stock. A desire to reunite or experience the energy of a particular family is usually the propelling force.

We sculpture ourselves in our own image. We were not created to look as we look. From the moment we are born, our human nature and character begin to impress its individuality upon the physical body. Every one of us makes our own destiny. We are either the master of our body or it masters us. We naturally inherit all that God has to give. It is a shame so many people trash the body and the mind. The real difference between all of us is a difference in desire. Desire is always followed by will and effort. Every person who has ever become great becomes so because of desire, planning and making an effort to become so.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Emotional Patterns

Every emotion we experience immediately compels the chemistry of the body to strengthen either our life processes or our death processes. Unbalanced thought cycles, poor eating habits...anything that is out of balance creates negative future effects. What people must realize is that there does not exist an outside power who will change any effects at the request of man as long as the cause continues. Yet, countless people are asking for cure effects and they continue to act out the cause of them. Tensions cannot exist in anyone's life without permission, nor without nourishment supplied by him. Happiness and tension cannot possibly co-exist.

To make matters worse, if unforgiveness is part of the package, the negativity increases and the people involved are tied together for future experiences. A lot of our experiences are not to our liking but happen anyway. By the time we begin to awaken to the purpose of life and accept our true identity as spirit clothed in matter, it is almost too late. The ideal is to be trained or guided from the moment we project into the flesh.

Due to unfilled desires and attraction to particular geographical areas, cultures, individual souls and religions, choices are frequently made that can really mess up our ideals. For instance, perhaps you desire to project into the womb of a particular woman and her family. If there have been physical and mental imbalances in the chosen family tree, you will likely have them as well if you become a family member. If you are spiritually educated and strong enough, you can override the negative mental and physical tendencies of your family and ancestors through education, prayer, practice and love.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Gone for the weekend.
Enjoy, love, be healthy and happy.
Be back Monday.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Forgetfulness of Reality

What if an individual respects life, is free of negative habits, has attained high moral character and deeply loves the Divine and still experiences horrendous challenges? How is that soul attracting lack, limitation, suffering or disease? This is a question many people ask. We need more truth, light and knowledge on this planet in the area of understanding Principle. Because real understanding is lacking, an individual may feel bewilderment, betrayal and judge that there is no God or if there is, God does not love him. This feeling is extremely painful.

The average human does not realize that a descending soul may choose a particular body, family, disability or limitation to test his power of faith and knowing and to expand his awareness and compassion for others. A disabled body can house a very advanced soul who deliberately entered a horrendous physical situation or environment to teach his parents compassion and patience. How can any one judge another? Judging by appearance is not the whole picture.

It is very painful to watch anyone suffer. There are souls whose pain mentally, emotionally and physically is nonstop. Some souls choose a path of suffering for higher education purposes and soul progression. Others choose because they feel guilty and it is a way to punish themselves. The soul has a clearer understanding of desire, cause and effect when it vacates the physical body. The sad part of the journey is that the soul for the most part forgets Reality when it enters matter. If the soul consciously remembered and was truly aware of the higher purpose of life, balance and eventual maturity through self-mastery while in the body, life would be embraced and lived differently.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cause & Effect

Financial, domestic, social and other troubles do not come to us, we draw them to us for reasons sometimes known and frequently for reasons unknown. Likewise, health troubles do not come to inflict us. We inflict them a good part of the time upon ourselves through lack of a higher knowledge. For instance, a beautiful, harmonious thought will cause the life-giving chemistry to vitalize the body, while an angry thought will immediately reverse the chemical workings of the body to the chemistry of decay and death. How many people consciously think about this fact? Our own decisions create the effects. It is my opinion that we must have higher knowledge to back our decisions by right actions.

Right intent will not save us from the effect of the wrong actions. When we are ignorant on how to live in a balanced way, we develop toxins. Toxins increase as tensions increase. All effects reach back to causes. If the causes are not balanced and loving and based on true knowledge, there is a strong likelihood the body and brain will deteriorate. What I don't appreciate is when a person believes in reincarnation and judges another person who has a deformity, hard luck or something considered bad going on in his life as being punished for a past action. It may be true but there may also be a higher reason at the root of the appearance issue.

We don't really know the truth of what is behind the effect. This holds true for judging ourselves as well. If we do not think or understand the laws of balance and order, we create disorder and imbalance. To understand how the law works, we must put the mind's attention on what is really happening all the time. What we can do is question the source of our feeling responses. Do they come from hidden memories, outside vibrations, other people and events? Attentiveness must be an activity of the mind. Discernment is necessary to find truth.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Living your Truth

I am well aware that to really search for truth and live it is no easy path on planet earth. We have been bombarded with falsity on every level, actually duped regarding religion, education, history, medical information and science. The reason being, the soul of humankind is still evolving. We are not a done deal. Once we wake up to this fact, we must take action. Analyze and do not accept something as truth until you have investigated all angles of it. Ask for truth from the higher intuitive part of your mind and heart. It will give you truth if you are sincere and persistent.

Learn how to find your own center of truth, the Light within, while learning to deal with other people. Learn this valuable habit and you will be removed from the treadmill of mere existence and nearer to the spiritual power of Mind knowing, which provides peace and balance from life's treadmill.

Regardless of your circumstances, take the time to be consciously aware and in touch with your own spirit identity. This is your unique journey. Why not make the best of it? The human experience is a means for the individualized spirit to express itself in matter. The world becomes what we think, literally. You are an actor. What is your next role? Why not choose to play in God's magic theater as a free agent? Discard the false belief that you are separated from the Source. You are the Source on a holiday in form. Make it a conscious holiday. Enlightenment occurs in the flesh. Let us enjoy it and be wide-awake whle living in our temporary bodies. It is time to come out of the shade into the sunshine. We are the hope of the world.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Opinion on being 'lifted up'

It is wishful thinking to assume that UFO'S will swoop down and save the good guys and gals this March as some Internet 'psychic' writers claim. The human race unfolds in orderly stages. The only way anyone is lifted to the 5th dimension is through a personally evolved level of consciousness. Comprehension will come to all men, but man himself can hasten it by deeply desiring truth and by seriously seeking within himself for enlightenment through serious meditation, deep thinking, prayer and action. A huge factor in a soul's advancement is to fall in love with the Divine. The kind of change people are asking for is accelerated through the feeling nature.

To comprehend the Infinite, a faculty must be developed that is superior to reason by entering into a state in which you are your finite-lower nature no longer. In other words, the divine essence is communicated to you, as you. The ideal is to see beyond temporary appearances and conditions and be cognizant of your spirit identity. Your thinking part of the mind is then liberated from its finite consciousness. We have had our modern mystics such as Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Jacob Behmen, Balzac and others. They all felt, understood that God, Supreme Spirit, the One is always not only man but in all life. We have had cosmic messengers in Leonardo Da Vinci, Whitman, Mozart, Liszt and Chopin to name only a few.

Because collectively humanity is still in the barbaric stage, the many have always oppressed the few. This oppression continues until every man is one with the Source and knows that he is.
Fortunately, we are living in an age where more Light will be evidenced.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Symbolism of Birds

Many people have shown an interest in the swan on my behealedforever website and the mythology behind the swan and birds in general. Birds have played a large part in my spiritual journey both in matter and in spirit. Birds are often used as symbols of the angels who guard the ladder to Heaven. The language of the angels is the language of poets, Light and the Buddha's. It is the language of the awakened. It is thought that the bird or angel language was originally spoken by Osiris. Osiris, Thoth, Solomon, Jesus, St. Francis, Astarte and many others are considered bird men. They were all connected to birds and representatives of cosmic knowledge. Immense power and abundance is hidden within the language. When you learn the language of the birds/angels/Light, you know the secrets of creation. You begin to comprehend in measure the Great Invisible Spirit, who emanated from the 'eternal light' of the eons.

Did you know that swan or goose is evidently a word play for 'goost', the ancient term for the Holy Spirit? In Hindu mythology, Brahma, the Supreme Being, is depicted riding upon a goose. The Pleiades are sometimes referred to as the place of herons. The Queen's Chamber in the Egyptian pyramid is aligned to Sirius. The Egyptian gods were frequently depicted as birdmen. The Mayans called Tula the place of the herons. Heliopolis was the location of the Temple of the Phoenix (or heron), the Egyptian sun god. The savior Thoth was called a Bird Man. Ever since humans began to think in spiritual terms, birds have symbolized spiritual states, angels and higher forms of being. Cave paintings from Lascaux, France show bird men demonstrating the soul-flight or the spirit-flight of the shaman. Statuettes from Yugoslavia dated to 5300 feature the Bird-and-Snake Goddess.

In Greek, the word for bird is a synonym for messages from Heaven. In Taoism, birds carry the same meaning, while the Immortals take on the shapes of birds to signify their 'lightness' and their freedom from earthly 'heaviness'. In the beginning, according to the Old Testament, the Spirit of God was hovering (bird-like) upon the face of the waters. A dove brought Noah the message of peace. Elijah had his raven who brought him bread. Jesus, the spirit of God as a dove alighted on him. Jesus is called the phoenix or birdman. It is a language of deep knowledge. The language of the Birds is circular and holographic. It is like a magic ring. Bird Land was reached by crossing the waters of immortality. The purpose of our soul journey is to be transformed into the energy of a bird. It behooves all of us to look into the symbolism of birds when they appear in our life.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day Off

On the 7th day God rested. Sounds like an excellant idea.
Lots of Light...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

In answer to your question- Son of God

John Chapter 16

Verse 26 is perhaps one of the most significant verses in the Bible, for Jesus here tells followers that when they have reached the SUN STATE they will be in accordance to the Cosmic plan. The man is the Sun or Light of God manifesting in man. The kingdom of heaven is the symbol of the Sun. The new birth is into the Sun State,fully in the Light, one with God. Few Jews could read Hebrew. The language was Aramaic. Substituting the word Son for Sun changed the true meaning. Jesus is one with the Source-Father-Mother and came here to earth with the consciousness of the Sun, the radiating and luminous Light, the spirit of truth. One who knows the truth knows the Law. The awakening to full understanding of truth will give the one who gains it power to see the alpha and omega of all things, and all that lies between. Jesus stated we all could consciously and effectively be suns if we followed the path he lived.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Loftier Perspective

When seeking answers to the energy that keeps our physical body alive, we realize the fact that we are a projection or portion of a Divine Intelligence. As a spirit in form, our responsibility is to accept our spirit identity and meet the challenge of this rapidly moving age of technology, learning to control and develop the energies of our soul and mind. Through the act of trying, we will radiate clearly the higher lasting part of our true identity.

We are both the knower of the divine and the deluder. In many ways, we appear to be bi-polar. The choices we make obviously determine our consciousness. The collective soul of humans is unbalanced. Although there is only one Mind, very few people think or use the higher part of it...the Divine Mind. We departmentalize it. The average person reacts from the influences of the subconscious data bank.
The one Mind is either at rest or is in action, which means thinking. When we sleep our intellignece is wide-awake.

Even though collectively we are in the barbaric stage of soul development, there are many thousands of individuals who have developed the inner vision, inner hearing and inner knowing...the spirit senses. These are the souls who will 'save' the life on the planet and the planet herself. The numbers must increase. Strive to be a deep thinker. Robotic thinking will not lead us in the direction of balance and peace.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pagan Stage

Do you ever wonder why we continue to have wars and disorder all over the planet? This stage will continue as long as humans kill other humans, do not understand the true meaning of evil and suppress women to less than full equality with man. The Pagan stage is a stage that is dominated by the physical senses. For the most part, the awakening of the spirit senses are ignored. A balanced civilization cannot exist unless an awareness between right and wrong is firmly established. Another aspect of this pervading ignorance are erroneous beliefs that have made evil a living presence, a ruler, an actual being. It became convenient to blame someone called the devil or satan for all our mistakes, harmful thoughts and actions. Understanding of what is real and true is sorely lacking in the collective mind of men.

We are all actors in God's magic theater. As individual, intelligent sparks of Light, we have the same spiritual origin. All intelligence originated in the Invisible Radiating Light. The goal is to return to the Source. How do we do that? Closely examine the role you are currently playing. To remove ourselves from the lesser energies of spiritual ignorance, it is wise to choose self-mastery. Self-mastery makes it possible to control our lives by choosing to live from the productive and healing energy of our higher Nature instead of choosing lower responses that are divisive, conditioned and instilled as fear.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More physical history

Long ago, I asked why are there so many cultures with myths of human-like gods that came out of the heavens to create, destroy and recreate humans? I discovered that creation, matter, is a concretized cosmic energy. Clues are found in mythology regarding a race of giants/heroes who ruled over primitive humanity. The existing humans thought of them as gods. The mass consciousness today probably would think likewise if beings landed from out of nowhere who had superior technology or wisdom or both than you do? In tablets and carvings they were described as human in appearance and supposedly came from a far distant planet.

The new creation had the intelligence to eventually evolve into enlightened beings. Sadly enough, the enlightenment journey is taking an unusually long time to manifest. Gradually, bits and pieces of our physical history are being exposed. From the records that are now being published it appears that there is a biological evolution but the records stating extra-terrestrial mating of the fair daughters of the earth described in Genesis has interestingly enough been ignored.

Looking back at our physical evolution, it is indeed a miraculous unfolding. Since the time when the physical body was perfected, its maintenance was determined through the thinking we either bring to health, wealth and happiness into being...or the opposite. We make ourselves what we are by what we think and do. Our polarity, vitality, joy is an attitude of Mind which multiplies the life principle in us and keeps our body charged with proper balanced vibrations. The balanced vibrations immunize the body from the chemistry of the death processes, which await our violation of life's process.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ancient Peoples

I have always loved to research ancient peoples. Ever since I can remember, flashbacks of different periods of history and the colorful events that covered the cultures have come to me in a form of a vision. The visions would prompt me to investigate known knowledge. Of course, knowledge is not the same as wisdom but it provides clues to the past, present and future. Ancient peoples believed in gods of flesh and blood who had descended to earth from the heavens and could with their advance technology soar heavenwords. The writings of the ancient near east also clearly speak of a planet from which these gods had come. Fascinating! Education, stretching the thinking part of us is demanded if we are to achieve a greater understanding of our identity on all levels.

There is also growing scientific evidence from the Babylonian and Celtic cultures that primitive earthman had physical evolutionary assistance. This new coupling mixed the DNA and created a race of intelligent beings much faster than if the earth's evolutionary process was left untouched. The beings colonized a civilization in Sumer, which flourished suddenly 6,000 years ago without a known precursor.

Life from evidence discovered has had more than one beginning on this planet. If you have a desire to explore this subject, there already exist thousands of ancient Sumerian tablets which contain detailed knowledge of all the planets in the solar system, their understanding of the precession of the equinoxes, and a deep science of complex medical procedures.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Simplifying Physical Evolution

From research, I have discovered that the first stage was the primate, unmoral, instinctively controlled period of mere body issues and fighting for survival.
A human-like intelligence has been found that lived 880,000 years ago. Solid evidence is now indicating that earth and its life intermittently go through cycles of light and darkness. As I studied further, written records revealed that there once was a perfect Adamic race and it was intercepted and limited by fallen angels. Lesser brotherhoods have interfered with the evolution of man according to the Bible, the Book of Enoch, the Vedic teachings and innumerable tablets and scrolls.

There are also scriptural records of wars that have occured in the invisible lower heaven worlds. In Genesis, a rebel group called the Nephilim is mentioned as beings that descended to earth and mated with the existing primitive females creating offspring. Ancient writings claim that these visitors who came from the sky made man in their image. If this is truth, then who created the intelligent beings that landed and manipulated the DNA of the life forms creating a more advanced specie than if it had occured naturally?

In other words, primitive life was upgraded. there are records that state these upgrades have been made more than once. It is also mentioned that advanced spiritual Brothers of Light also descend and incarnate in man to help in humanity's reprogramming, regeneration and eventual resurrection. Something to think about...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Week Days Only

Dear Reader,
You will only have messages from my journal on weekdays.
Have a healthy, happy and safe weekend.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Protecting the Body

If you desire to participate in the Celestial Wave and help create a world of healing and regeneration, it is important to begin by being attentive to your mind and body. If you neglect the body temple, the spirit occupant is less likely to express the fullness of its potential. We make ourselves what we are by what we think and do. The moment you violate the life processes you invite the death processes to take over in the measure of your violation. Any violation in thought, word, deed or the food and drink that you put into your body will invite the insidious decaying process to take action. A small part of an organ begins to die. All diseases of every kind, which cause the body to die in part or as a whole, are due to the strains and tensions of trying to live.

This means you can easily live a full century if you know how to live in balance and are willing to work knowingly with your higher Self. Our journey would have been more pleasant if we had been taught this truth as children. The key is in allowing our body-mind energy to conform with the invisible spirit energy behind our physical form. The physical form is the product of personal decisions. There is no god who inflicts pain, disease or suffering on us. False conditioning, sorrow, frustration, violent anger or hate, lack of forgiveness and harmful choices on any level start the physical dying process.

Negative influences may also be carried over genetically or from past influences.
Whatever we have unknowingly or unwisely done to our body, we can undo. If we change our thoughts and actions and it is not too late, we can reverse the entire chemistry of the body from over acidity to a balanced chemistry in which acidity and alkalinity are equal. This is why pursuing self-mastery is so important. We understand that accumulating negative emotional tensions help us die faster than we normally would. To be a part of the new wave of Light, we need the right knowledge and an open mind and heart. We must be willing to change.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Riding the Wave

There is a great deal of buzz regarding the subject of new wave energy. Solar, wind, ocean tides, heat, electricity, computing and light panels are some of the popular areas creating excitement. What about the new wave of Celestial Energy that has already begun to touch prepared souls on earth? The wave of Energy that comes to us from outside our solar system is part of one of the many cycle manifestations that earth and Her life experience periodically.

The power of the spiritual energy is experienced as a positive, revealing, healing and uplifting frequency. It is both tangible and visible. It appears and is felt and seen by individuals who have discarded a slave consciousness. The individual chooses not to participate in a prison world, a dumping ground, where balance, understanding, truth, inner beauty, unconditional love and light are ignored. The majority of people on earth still refuse the presence of the Light. They do not grasp the importance in creating and sustaining a state of mind where they can communicate with the truth of their higher identity as spirit. A realization of a greater Source behind the appearance world is incorrectly understood or denied.

The Celestial Light, sometimes called the Holy Spirit or Blue Diamond Light, is for anyone who has prepared personal consciousness and is ready to claim his or her own spirit identity and the higher identity of others. To receive and use the energy of this cyclic wave of the Divine, the receiver must know how to put it into action and raise personal and planetary vibrations to another octave. We could place a huge kettle upside down on everyone's head and bang on it with a spoon yelling, "Wake Up!" Or, we can fully prepare our own nervous system and energy in such a way that we can personally demonstrate what it is like to be a divine spark of light in the flesh. When we make a difference, we have the capacity to heal humanity.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Step

Get out of your wheelchair! Most people have crippling memories within the soul and mind that have prvented them from being their true and whole Self. By facing, forgiving and releasing the pains of the past, we can heal and move forward in a new way that benefits rather than stagnates. Pains become obvious in our reactions to people, places and things. Too many people waste time focusing on past and hurtful memories, protocol, laws and useless things that work against a balanced energy. If all along we had a conscious understanding of our true identity as spirit, divine mind imprisoned in form, the journey may not have been so difficult and long.

We are an integral part of Divine Mind, Universal Substance, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. All that is in matter is a reflection of this marvel. It is the truth of our own existence and potentiality. If we had been more focused on the inner reality as our actual truth, the real higher Self would be obviously evident.

It is time to wake up from the lost years and live in the present realizing the truth of spirit identity. Most people are like the blue jay I saw remaining on the sidewalk. I asked him if he could fly. He was staying grounded in a traffic area where anyone passing by could step on him. He eventually flew up to a low ledge on the retention wall along the river. The blue jay reminded me of people who could easily fly if they chose to do so. Why not choose to fly now?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Purpose of Life

From my understanding, which is fully supported by mystics and masters, is that we are here on earth to bring spirit into matter, light into ignorance, which some people call darkness. We are programmed to achieve self-mastery. This is easier said than done. To do our job right, we must have laid a solid foundation that is supported by clarity and understanding, love and wisdom. What is it that we need to understand? We need to seek balance and identify and recognize, accept and be the higher Nature while entrapped in the flesh and ruled for the most part by the lower nature.

Because the collectivity does not recognize the truth of its own nature, spirit temporarily using form, we are basically captive in our own creation. When the thinking mind is deluded, illusion is in charge. We accept falsity, conditioning, lack, limitation and harmful judgments as our reality. We create nonsense and experience fear and a sense of separation from our Divine Source because we have forgotten the reality left behind. So, how do we move from a straight line to a curve? How do we awaken from a deadening slumber to an awakened state of mind? How do we stop being robotic and behaving like sheep? We must understand the balancing act and how to walk the talk.

In the days ahead, I will simply express not only what I have discovered but what works to make a soul feel free again. There is nothing really new. We probably have heard, read or experienced almost every possibility at one time or another. What is really needed is a nudge in the right direction so we stay with it. Even though a human may not yet realize the truth that everyone has the same reason for being here in the flesh as well as the same assignment, the memory has to be jogged once in awhile. Why drag on the process of remembering? Why continue to suffer? Why don't we simply be who we really are and get on with it?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Viewing the Past

Many people experience conscious links with a long ago past. In this reference, I mean past life experiences. Either through momentary visions or a distinctive Voice whispering a message to us, we have recall of other countries, personalities or relationships. The aforementioned are threads of the tapestry we weave that we call our soul.

In my own case, a few of the vivid memories include the ancient city of Heliopolis in Egypt and one of the later periods of the Amenhotep family. Crete, old Greece, the temple at Angkor Vat in Cambodia, Easter Island, Jerusalem and Southern France particularly stand out as periods of growth that molded my soul into its present awareness. I am also shown the gender and the role I played. To my way of thinking, there is no real purpose in sharing details with others because any importance lies in who we are now and what we do with the knowledge we have gained.

The beauty in past life recall is that we can if we choose, draw the strengths of character and the powers of knowledge and creativity into our current life and use them for good. We are the sum total right now of everything we have ever thought, felt and done whether it occurred in the visible vibrations of matter or in the invisible worlds of light. Everything is hidden within. Our challenge is to unveil it. When we understand who we are, we can with confidence extract what is needed from the past and use it knowingly in the present. The secret is in the discovery and use of our own amazing consciousness.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Words of Support

Before I experienced the dramatic transformation, I had read the New Testament and studied the Buddhist Bible. I really resonated to Buddhist thought. After the healing, I continued to feel at home with Buddhism but gravitated towards 'The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ' and the deeply spiritual books written by Joel Goldsmith and much later all the luminous works of the Bulgarian Master Teacher, Omraam Mikhael Aivenhov. Books such as 'Cosmic Consciousness', 'The Impersonal Life', 'Life & Teachings of the Masters of the Far East' supported my need for spiritual companionship.

The 'new' me discovered she had many of the magical powers, freedom of mind and renewal of energy experienced by the accomplished ones, Siddhas, of South India and the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in the New Testament. The awakening energy was kept secret except in the area of reaching out and helping others experience healing. I did not have anyone to talk with regarding freedom of the soul, perfect health and immortality all being gained in this life. So, I turned to the Tamil Siddhas in India and Babaji who is considered an immortal master of southern India.
His disciple, Yogananda, and particularly two books, 'Man's Eternal Quest' and 'Autobiography of a Yogi.' I was yearning to find thought and experience that supported my own deep mystical visions and intuitive sense of knowing and being.

The great works of the scientist/mystic/artist Walter Russell and more recently Dr. Fred Alan Wolf complimented what I knew to be true regarding the fusion of science and spirituality. I never had a physical guru or teacher. Yes, there are always the angels and celestial beings but, it was the right books arriving at the perfect moment that helped me understand the daily visions of the Ineffable Light, angelic visitors, healing, geometrical symbols and other amazing blessings that were my primary companions on the awesome journey of remembering and wholeness.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

So Thankful!

As my daily awareness of God's love and presence increases, I am thankful beyond any mere words. I know how much we are loved and how precious our lives are. The joy of the presence of holiness is beyond human expectations. So many of us have forgotten who we really are. This is so sad. We become immersed in matter and forget that we are spirit temporarily using a material form. Isn't this just like Madonna's song, "I am just a material girl living a material life"?

One morning, I suddenly woke up to another reality, a reality that is true, loving, compassionate, wise, understanding, unlimited and forgiving. Each new day I rediscover who I am and the infinite possibilities that are waiting for all of us to embrace and use.
I believe that we are all one glorious energy, meaning we are like luminous sparks of light projecting from the one Great Light, our true Father and Mother Creator. It is up to us to remember and rekindle the spark and light the way. I love nature. She provides everything. When this overwhelmming attitude of gratefulness sweeps through our minds and hearts, we embrace all of nature, every form She takes.


Yes, I felt and began to look like an entirely different person. It all happened around this time period of the year. It felt as if a powerful yet loving force had entered my energy, an energy that was far wiser than my personality and behavior. My husband said, "You are a different person". I had not told him or anyone else about my being unconscious for an hour or the emergency physical problem and the subsequent healing. I had kept it all secret and decided to do the same with the differences I could feel in my mind and energy.

Having felt God's love for the first time in my life, the feeling was overwhelming. Although I had been raised a Lutheran, I knew nothing about the man Jesus. Because a healing power remained with me, I began to search for answers about the meaning of life and our purpose here on earth. I wanted to understand everything that I could about the soul and the spirit and whether there was a difference and why we had them as part of our make-up. Everything changed for me, not only a healed body.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Personality Change

Hello...Have you ever been sick or in an accident and discovered that you have experienced a sudden and dramatic personality change? I have. It would be interesting to find other people who experienced a similar transformation. After I had been home 4 or 5 days after surgery, the stitches on my abdomen became highly infected, red streaks appeared, swelling and I ran a high fever. For some unknown reason, I didn't call for help. The situation was painful and life threatening. This was in the morning. I went back to bed and fell unconscious. I had looked at the clock as I returned to bed. I awakened one hour later and found my body healed. Angels or a celestial force created two tiny holes, one at each end of the abdominal stitches. The infection had drained out onto the surface of my skin. The fever, red streaks, swelling and pain had vanished. The most interesting part of this miracle or magic was that I felt like a different person. Until this day many years later, the dramatic change has remained with me.